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When the Jews planned to rebuild the wall of Jrusalem they faced opposition form Sanballat. According to Neh 4:1, Sanballat was furious and mocked the Jews.

You see on the way to fulfilling your God-given purpose there will be opposition. Jesus said that there will be challenges and that people will offend you – Jn 16:33 & Mt 18:7. You must have the right perspective concerning these trials. According to Jam 1:2-4 though these tests and trials will test your faith, in the process of going through them you will build patience and in the end will lack nothing.

The enemy will try everything in his power to derail you on the path to fulfilling your destiny. But thank God that the Greater One lives on your inside. There is nothing that you cannot overcome. Your victory and success has already been determined – 1 Jn 5:4. So stay focused and cheerful in the face of trials because you already know the outcome. You have already won!